April 11, 2021

All the Same

Multiple paths that can carry.

Painful, difficult to the mind.

Almost permanent quandary.

Never gentle and never kind,

As the vision becomes blurry

Against hot water that flows behind.

Blocked paths through the giant, green maze

In the dark, lone and chilling night.

Through the seasons and all the days,

The path grows narrower and tight.

"It's the other way," the voice says.

More voices might join in, they might.

If only there was one way out

Without this wandering about

With the compass not going south.

It's truly bad when you've been here

For a long time. When you can't see

Anything without the deep fear

That you'll just go back and then see

Nothing near to logic, not near.

As the far, gentle sunshines slant,

Just accept that you will be here.

* GloPoWriMo 2021 Day Ten Poem

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